Sunday, April 16, 2006

I am trying to write my autobiography

I am trying to write my autobiography. I have been writing for six months and have written three pages; at this rate, I shall be one hundred and twenty five years old when it is finished.

Trouble is:
I suffer from interruptions. That is Dolly; stripy, female, small, tabby.
And that is Lilly, a large splodgey (well tortoiseshell -but I prefer the American sobriquet, calico-) female cat. She is deaf and consequently tends to bellow at the top of her voice mostly in the early hours of the morning (she suffers from nightmares and therefore; we suffer her nightmares.)
"Theres a lot of cats fur on this keyboard." (Susan, female human of the household, and a great stroker of ears.)
"That cat is going to the vets." (Martin, male human of the household.)

My story begins in the city of Portsmouth; Gertie rescued me from imprisonment in a telephone box. Not yet, a year old I was homeless again after her death. Ferdinand means adventurer and that is a suitable name for I have had many adventures on the journey from there to here.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ferdi! Both Miguel and I were rescued, too. Miguel followed another cat here and the humans took him in. I was wandering the road, not really sure where to go, and quite lost. A male human picked me up and brought me in the house where She-who-would-wish-to-be-obeyed promptly declared I was home.

It would be grand here if only SWHWTBO would stop yelling every time I bite Miguel. ;)

Eager to hear more about your adventures!

Dawn said...

You are indeed a most handsome Ginger Ferdi! Looking forward to reading more about you.

Dawn said...

You are indeed a most handsome Ginger Ferdi! Looking forward to reading more about you.