Monday, April 14, 2008

Ferdinand: A cat in control in an out of control world!

Bill and me. Have enough money (from the work we did for the experimental lab) to buy and furnish two tea chests, plus purchase the feline rights of land grab to position said chests.
I have been listening to the news. A recession or depression, or maybe just a big hole is arriving. I know from experience -plus reading the papers and many history books- when such a hole appears we pets tend to get thrown overboard or out.
So contingency plans have been drawn up. I haven't told the girls yet, Nno need to worry them unnecessarily.
Bill and me are in control.
So two tea chests upturned under a laurel tree, by the canal, lined with cushions and duvets are already in position. That's the housing taken care of...
I now need to work out how we are going to feed ourselves...

Ferdinand: A cat in control in an out of control world!

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