Saturday, April 05, 2008

Dolly, tell Ferdi

"Dolly, tell Ferdi. Injuns!"

"Yes, Doll. A Mohican came through here just now."
"That was Ferdinand with the Mohican."
"Ferdi has an injun friend?"

"Not injuns. Native Americans."
"That why Billy is bald? Scalped by inju... Native Americans?"
"No! That was Ferdinand."
"Ferdinand scalped Bill?"

"Did you bellow, oh striped one? Hello Lil"
"How what Lil?"
"How d‘ya do Lil?""Very well. I’m deaf, with failing eyesight, on tablets twice a day, and lost a lot of weight, apart from that I’m very good."

Dolly: Oh never mind!


The Lee County Clowder said...

Hang in there, Lil. Or rather


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ferdi, take good care of Lil. HANG IN THERE LIL!
We like the mohawk, very sexxy!