Sunday, June 01, 2008

Lil, because she had an operation and is recuperating, has been granted the right to pee in the house. I kid you not! Honestly!
"Streuth!" Can’t a being get some peace? A piece of peace?
“Ferdinand, I’ve a bone to pick with you!” Dolly Said.
"Turkey, chicken perhaps?"
I have closed my emerald eyes. 'Tis Sunday. The sun is shining, warming me, my box and I. Brian started it. The great mower race – brummm, brumm, bloody bruum. Just got my shut eye.— All Sunday, most of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, enough already! I need to sleep. Brian is the winner. His lawn is cut. It has pinstripes. The sod could work in the city and wear a bowler hat.
No one can compete. Apart from his neighbour who’s now going in for the challenge, and just as I was beginning to nod off again. His neighbour once removed began, and so it went on, and on, and on... The neighbour next to the neighbour next to...
I haven't slept.
Mow mow.
I am retiring to my tea chest creation by the canal bank.
Peaceful here. Just the sound of the water lapping against...
What the—
Bloomin barge!
It’s 5 o’-bloomin'-clock in the morning...
Phut phut phut.
Oh, go phut yourself!

Dolly : Ferdinand is in a really bad mood! Tea hee.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Well, with no sleep who could blame you for getting a little out of sorts.

Anonymous said...

Is it you? Have you hi jacked my account?
